Black Women...

are you ready to leave your toxic job?

Do You Feel Stuck In Your Toxic Job? Are You In Need Of Support In Getting Unstuck So That You Can Leave?

If you answered yes to both of these questions AND are committed to leaving your toxic job so that you can pivot to more fulfilling professional opportunities without taking the left over "trauma and drama" with you, the Black Women Healing From Toxic Jobs Group Coaching Program is for you.

In the 5 session virtual Black Women Healing From Toxic Jobs Group Coaching Program, you will:

1). Identify and address your fears about leaving your job.

2). Process the losses/hopes that you had in relation to your job.

3). Develop an Exit Plan.

4). Create and implement a Wellness Plan to support you through the

process of leaving your job.

You may be reading this now and thinking that you do not have the time for a Coaching Program. I hear you AND invite you to ask yourself if the cost is greater by staying at that toxic job.

As a survivor of a toxic job, I can be willing to guess that staying at a toxic job is not worth the harm to your physical, psychological, and spiritual wellness. I left a $100, 000 toxic job that was literally killing me to save my life.

Through my own experiences with leaving a toxic job and pivoting to become a successful entrepreneur as well as close to 20 years working as a Licensed Clinical Psychologist, I have developed the Black Women Healing From Toxic Jobs Group Coaching Program.

At this point, you may be thinking...I do not know if I have the time for a Coaching Program. I understand. However, think about how much time that you have been stuck at that toxic job.

I know what it is like to suffer at a toxic job and feel stuck by fear. To leave, I had to channel my inner Harriet Tubman to find my way out. Now that I am out, I want to help support you finding your way out too. You deserve so much better than what you are experiencing at that toxic job.

It is my hope that you take that next step toward leaving by registering for the Black Women Healing From Toxic Jobs Group Coaching Program. The investment is only $1,000 which covers all 5 sessions (no additional fees). Registration is now closed for the next cohort. Sign up today to be placed on the Wait List for the cohort starting in late March 2023 by noting your email address below before the limited slots are taken!

Sign Up Today For Coaching

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    Please know that wherever you are in the process of leaving your toxic job, I got you.

    Dr. Kimani

    Licensed Psychologist PSY 19557

    Disclaimer: Although Dr. Kimani is a Licensed Psychologist, the services/product offered are not substitutes for therapy.